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Lambda Annual General Meeting Update

Fall greetings to all of our friends, donors, and University partners. The Lambda board has just concluded our AGM as of September 2021. During this meeting, Dr. Patrazia Gentile stepped down from the role of President and the Lambda Board. For more information about the fabulous work that Dr. Gentile accomplished with Lambda, please see our most recent annual report. Cameron Aitken was elected by the membership to take on the role of President of the Board. Cameron would like to thank Dr. Gentile and other outgoing members of the Lambda Board for their long term involvement in creating 2SLGBTQ+ focused awards and scholarships.

At this time, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the four incoming members of the Lambda Board. You can read more about our current board members here. This presents an opportunity of renewed engagement and we are thrilled to share with our stakeholders our plans for the next term and the next decade.

If you are interested in getting in touch with the board about creating a new award or boosting an existing endowment, please email

Thank you

Lambda Board of Directors, 2021-2022

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